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Admin Speculation

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[Deleted & content moved to Admin board.]

Born 3 Feburuary 1999. Founder of 5ch anonymous message board about longevity (1 January 2012) / Founder and chief administrator, the oldest people research forum in Japan founded in 1 January 2017. Link: 長寿者研究フォーラム (

Josia9353, Sonicbox and ReZet reacted
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Yes, this is the only forum I have ever known where the Administrator just posts under the generic username Admin or Administrator.

Senior Consultant for Gerontology, Guinness World Records
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@record_116 As the Washington Post motto says, "Democracy Dies in Darkness". So I agree that it would be a good thing for the Admin to come forward. That said, when I founded World's Oldest People on Yahoo Groups in 2002, I was Anonymous also. I used the name "Moderator". I really didn't want the discussion to be about me. Why did my views on this change? Mostly because Wikipedia claimed that one had to be an "expert" to write articles on topic areas. So by 2003 or so I decided I needed to build my identity in order to make my resume impressive enough for Wikipedia. Ironically, four years later Larry Sanger's "Expert" approach was overturned by Jimbo Wales, who preferred 'crowdsourcing'. One thing that is clear is that stability in this field is limited, in part, by changing technology. Yahoo Groups ended effectively in 2019. 

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Posted by: @record_116




I am sorry to see you are unwelcoming to new members. The idea of this forum is that we invite everyone to join and are happy to see them here, regardless of status, knowledge, or past behaviour. Remember that this forum celebrates the fan in us, meaning we will actually have more in common than meets the eye. I'd rather see you connect with other members and share your joy and grief.


As for the identity of the Admin, I can see it is beginning to become an obsession for you. I suggest you let it go. It is unimportant to know who I am, because the idea is that this forum belongs to all of us. I feel that my anonymous identity best represents that - we are the people.


In the past day, I have in fact received disturbing messages - yay, a new PM system! - that a witch hunt has begun to uncover the truth behind the Admin. This will only make me more persistent in not revealing my identity, something I might actually have done if I had had the feeling it didn't matter so much to others.


I'd very much appreciate it if we could now return to what we've all come here for: celebrating the supercentenarians living / having lived on this planet!




@ryoung122, welcome to the forum. I hope you will get to feel at home here.

Ryoung122, Record_116, Sonicbox and 4 people reacted
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@admin I am going to say this while I have a chance:

I think the greatest tragedy in the social media world of supercentenarians over the past 15 years has been the Wiki-War attempt on the English Wikipedia to "purge" supercentenarian articles. Persons who should be celebrated as links to the historical past and marks of science are being purged, including persons as important as Gertrude Baines (once the GWR OLP and Oldest Obama Voter, now her article on Wikipedia has been deleted); Chiyo Miyako (GWR WOP) at 117; etc. They even purged the idea that the WOP is a title...when in fact, it is.

Sad to say, attempts to stop this nonsense have been unsuccessul, for a few reasons:

1. Wikipedia isn't transparent, so when negative actions are done, no one even knows who to appeal to. This opaqueness and lack of transparency allows topic overlords to "sit" on a topic and crush it.

2. Wikipedia is funded by donations and so has an incentive to "purge" "fan-based interest". It's no coincidence in my view that Wikipedia co-founder Jimbo Wales also founded WIKIA. By purging supercentenarian articles on Wikipedia, it encouraged the move to WIKIA, moving articles from donations-funded to ad-based servers. This, however, leads to less topic respect and more annoying ads.

3. The field of supercentenarian research is too nascent to have the proper institutional support to overturn such nonsense. Leaders such as Dr Coles and Dr Vaupel were pioneers in their field, establishing the GRG and MPIDR and helping to create the IDL. This has led to a movement from supercentenarians as just individual media-reported cases to supercentenarians a a field of study. And in reality this began in the 1990s, so not too long ago. And at that time I was a young man. I was 24 years old in 1998 when I read some of the materials from the Odense Univerisity, Denmark, on validation of exceptional longevity. It was in 1999 when I joined the GRG, at age 25. Even before then, I first helped GWR on this subject in 1986, age 12. Some of my suggestions were actually done! And I started tracking supercentenarians at age 13. So I have been pursuing supercentenarian research as something to study unto itself for long before it looked like there were going to be career options. I'm grateful for the later promotions and accomplishments which I earned, but that cannot take away my roots. I remember in 1979 seeing a news report about a woman turning 109. My fan interest was piqued then, the idea that someone could be 100+ years older than me really resonated...

As for Record_116, he has been a member of other supercentenarian clubs for over 8 years and he never had a problem with me until now. In fact, he was an "Ally". Timing of convenience? I think he should talk it out if he has an issue.

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@admin Since I don't believe in "witches" it really is not appropriate to use the word "Witchhunt" in this situation. Neither did I assign blame or punishment. What is disturbing, however, is that communication should be two-way, not one way. So if you believe in freedom and fairness you will objectively come forward, and should speak with everyone, not just a selected few.

Chris reacted
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Posted by: @ryoung122

@admin Since I don't believe in "witches" it really is not appropriate to use the word "Witchhunt" in this situation. Neither did I assign blame or punishment. What is disturbing, however, is that communication should be two-way, not one way. So if you believe in freedom and fairness you will objectively come forward, and should speak with everyone, not just a selected few.

I believe communication is two-way here, there's nothing preventing you from discussing supercentenarian-related topics with me here. In fact, I appreciate your post about the past fifteen years in a Wikipedia era, showing you can actually provide us with positive input here.


The fact that you feel the need to know who I am, but won't, is something you will need to cope with. 🙂 

Josia9353, Ollie, seto2001 and 1 people reacted
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Posted by: @ryoung122

As for Record_116, he has been a member of other supercentenarian clubs for over 8 years and he never had a problem with me until now. In fact, he was an "Ally". Timing of convenience? I think he should talk it out if he has an issue.

Mr. Robert, I just send a PM to you.As you're now suspended one month from this forum, so I re-sent an e-mail to your e-mail adress.

At The 110 Club, the PM feature was banned, so I couldn't see and reply to your message.


I have complex feelings about you, but I'm simply glad the fact that you've recognized me as an "ally" for the past 8 years (until March this year when I make offensive comments to you).

I don't know ... Members like Mr. Waclaw Jan and Georg strongly support you, but there are members who oppose, or not strongly support you. Both opinions seems logical and reasonable to me and I'm confused.

However, I no longer have a keen interest in supercentenarians and their communities. I decided that I just leave. Even from the Japan forum.
(Even if I leave, there is another administrator, and the Japanese forum is always peaceful place since troll "shoichiro morita" left a year ago, so it's okay.) I've said "I will leave" before and came back soon, but this time my intention is real.
However, I may donate to GRG again only once in May.

When few days after Mrs. Kane Tanaka surpass Sarah Knauss's record and Tanaka's family released a new photo on Twitter, my heart was filled with feelings of happiness and something which can not express. I cried like a child for a some reason, and I thought it is really enough to get involved those forum. (Note: My posts in the GSC forum is 119. Same as Kane Tanaka's age. It was intentionally set.)

I deleted supercentenarian-related site from a "favorites" list from internet browser. I don't want to talk to anyone in the community anymore. I'm sorry, but If someone The 110 Club sent me an e-mail, I can not reply.

This community is...despite the seemingly peaceful subject community of "supercentenarians", it is really a shame there are so many problems around among members like conflict between the ESO and the GRG people which starting late 2019 and continues until today.

I'm simply tired of getting involved in those forums and seeing a lot of opinions like "Robert is right" or "Robert's rule is wrong". And tired of someone call me as "stalker of a certain mysterious Japanese women member", etc most probably based on misinformation or rumor.

My honest feeling is, I really like to have a peaceful place to post.

As a leader of the Japanese forum, I'm does not belong to either the ESO or GRG people and wants to be neutral.


@admin : I'm apologize for my message which unwelcoming a new member and also I'm apologize for I become mad. I now understand your intension, As you said, regardless of past background, everyone to have a high-level discussion about supercentenarians here in peace.

Born 3 Feburuary 1999. Founder of 5ch anonymous message board about longevity (1 January 2012) / Founder and chief administrator, the oldest people research forum in Japan founded in 1 January 2017. Link: 長寿者研究フォーラム (

Pavlos123 reacted
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Posted by: @record_116

I think above "@Ryoung122 " account is real Robert Young.
Why don't they refuse Robert's participation? 

.. is exactly what I thought at first. 

That is, until I read the EQ comment somewhere. It struck me that indeed, theirs seems, at times, pathologically low. Perhaps they suffer from a disability, something like autism or a car accident. In that case, perhaps we should be a little more understanding, and appreciate everyone’s limits.

Regardless, I'm very sad to see you go. That we may meet again..! 😌 

Administrator Admin
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@josia9353 Let's not speculate here, thanks. Nothing to warrant such a comment about another member.

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The individual under scrutiny is not a new member. That’s the whole point, and now his continued presence hast cast off a fine member. How many must we lose before the next forum will pop up? One where hopefully, there will be peace, i.e., no admission for this individual’s problem : benefit ratio of about 10 : 1. 

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@admin Far from “nothing”, everyone knows that. That’s the whole reason this thread exists. 

Still, if I am right about the limitations hypothesis, I take it back and apologise. 

Admin reacted
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@josia9353 Thanks.

Why is the jinx repeated... I might have expected this a bit for a some reason. However, it was still unexpected. 19 April is memorable day for me for various reasons.
Ironically, it was the day I left the whole community and removed the longevity research related site from my browser of "favorites". Somehow I had a bad feeling that day.
This is not just a big news, but actually Kane Tanaka's passed away happen. I need to come back. It's like a jinx that a big death happens after I say I'm leaving the community.

I can't believe Kane Tanaka died on April 19th ... but that really happened. Really, really sad.
A day of condolences for all longevity fans. RIP Kane Tanaka

Born 3 Feburuary 1999. Founder of 5ch anonymous message board about longevity (1 January 2012) / Founder and chief administrator, the oldest people research forum in Japan founded in 1 January 2017. Link: 長寿者研究フォーラム (

Josia9353 reacted
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It was also Jiroemon’s 125 birth day. 

My sympathies to everyone. Most of us have known her for 3¾ years, others perhaps nearing a century. Today is a black day. I hope she would have peace with it. 

Record_116 reacted
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Posted by: @josia9353

the next forum will pop up?

"Next Forum" lol


Anyway, I stopped to "leave" and go to more positive way as I said in another thread.

Born 3 Feburuary 1999. Founder of 5ch anonymous message board about longevity (1 January 2012) / Founder and chief administrator, the oldest people research forum in Japan founded in 1 January 2017. Link: 長寿者研究フォーラム (

Josia9353 reacted
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Posted by: @record_116


@admin PLEASE, delete above comment. I would like to request that above my post be deleted for various reasons such as the prosperity and peace of the Japanese forum and to avoid possible troubles in the future. Thanks. But no need to delete entire thread!

Born 3 Feburuary 1999. Founder of 5ch anonymous message board about longevity (1 January 2012) / Founder and chief administrator, the oldest people research forum in Japan founded in 1 January 2017. Link: 長寿者研究フォーラム (

Administrator Admin
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@record_116, done.

Record_116 reacted
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Thanks for deleting my comment, @admin .

The atmosphere of The 110 Club has changed and it is a better place now, I feel. As GSCF members said, Robert may have abused ban and suspension function in the past in The 110 Club, but it's a thing of the past (months passed) and now not important thing to me.

I also apologize for my rude remarks to Mr. Robert Young.

Robert gave me a detailed explanation of why GRG's verification speed is slow. Also, they didn't remove my The 110 Club moderator status, despite my rude remarks in the past. I think they are good people, and it is important to be good relationships with them, for peace of the Japanese forum and community.

But for the simple reason that I love the oldest people, I'll come also GSCF forum when interesting discussions is happen.

Born 3 Feburuary 1999. Founder of 5ch anonymous message board about longevity (1 January 2012) / Founder and chief administrator, the oldest people research forum in Japan founded in 1 January 2017. Link: 長寿者研究フォーラム (

diego, Admin and Matcha reacted
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Admin saying: "The Admin account is not run by any single, individual person."

I'm glad that my question seems to have been resolved. I'm no longer interested in who specifically run it, but it must be a respected and intelligent persons doing it. Thanks for running the forum!

Born 3 Feburuary 1999. Founder of 5ch anonymous message board about longevity (1 January 2012) / Founder and chief administrator, the oldest people research forum in Japan founded in 1 January 2017. Link: 長寿者研究フォーラム (
