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Dear all,


Are there any questions/suggestions/complaints that I have missed out on / failed to address? Unfortunately, I haven't been able to be as active as I had wanted to for these past couple of days / for the past fortnight.

diego and Amck reacted
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Dear all,


wpForo has released a version 2.0 of the forums it offers, which explains the changes we are seeing today. Please note that their release is still a work in progress, so expect a couple of more changes. Once everything is the way wpForo it wants to be, we'll start looking at how we want our forum to be, and how we can change that. Note, for instance, that I'm not happy with the disappeared margins.


PS - a link to the release note.

(@Anonymous 45)
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@admin I’m not sure if this is related to the changes made, but I thought we were able to private message each other here. I’ve gone to message someone this morning and can find no way of doing so. Am I missing something here or has this feature disappeared? Thanks in advance

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Posted by: @ollieukscfan

@admin I’m not sure if this is related to the changes made, but I thought we were able to private message each other here. I’ve gone to message someone this morning and can find no way of doing so. Am I missing something here or has this feature disappeared? Thanks in advance

I've asked people responsible for the update a question about this, as I experienced all addons weren't working anymore. It seems I have to buy them once more - with a 30% discount, yay! It's not like I bought them only four months ago... 🙄 - because the old versions of the addons are incompatible with the new forum. Sigh. Great way of making money, wpForo...


But here's hoping that, for some reason, these addons will be made compatible, and I will be free of charge.

PhD student in Social Work - Dementia
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@admin thank you. I was wondering why everything looked weird.

(@Anonymous 45)
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@admin Ahh ok, thanks for the clarification

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Dear all,


The addons (Private Messages, Polls, etc) should be working once more. By now, wpForo has released a 2.0.3 version, which explains why the sidebar on the right has returned.

Marco, Sailor Haumea, seto2001 and 2 people reacted
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Dear all,


This forum is approaching its one-year anniversary (due 1 March 2023). About a month after its creation, I installed some add-ons onto this forum, enabling more options, such as the Private Message system.


Yet, this also means I will need to renew these add-ons in the coming months. Therefore I'd like to hear feedback from you guys as to which of these add-ons should definitely stay, and which ones we can do without.


These are the add-ons I've installed:

- Private Messages, which enables members to send each other private messages.

- Embeds, which enables members to link to external websites and, especially, social media posts more easily.

- Advanced Attachments, which enables members to add not just several attachments to one post, but also different sorts of attachments (images, videos, etc, as long as they don't exceed a certain size).

- Polls, which enables members to create polls.

- User Custom Fields, which should have enabled me to create more options in our profiles (such as setting up a birthday calendar), but somehow I haven't quite managed to (either) understand or implement this.


Please provide me with feedback, so I will know which add-ons to continue, and which ones to leave be. Many thanks in advance!

PhD student in Social Work - Dementia
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I think that we can drop polls and custom fields.

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I agree with Jimmy, definitely keep the first 3, but I don't think the final two are essential.

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The above amendments make sense to me as well.

Feel free to touch base with me Admin when the time comes to renew these.  


Supercentenarian Fan
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 I agree with Jimmy, heatwave116 and Chris:

- Private Messages, which enables members to send each other private messages. IMPORTANT

- Embeds, which enables members to link to external websites and, especially, social media posts more easily. IMPORTANT

- Advanced Attachments, which enables members to add not just several attachments to one post, but also different sorts of attachments (images, videos, etc, as long as they don't exceed a certain size). IMPORTANT

- Polls, which enables members to create polls. NOT USED IN THE LAST 6 MONTHS

- User Custom Fields, which should have enabled me to create more options in our profiles (such as setting up a birthday calendar), but somehow I haven't quite managed to (either) understand or implement this. WE CAN SKIP IT
Persone viventi più longeve in Italia – Supercentenari d'Italia (

ChrisR reacted
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I concur with what's been said above; I think we can do without polls and user custom fields.

Overduidelijk misschien.

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Thanks, everyone, for the input so far!

diego reacted
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I just realized we have over 100 members! Congratulations, us! We've done good as a team to warmly welcome new members and encourage people to join our forum! Good on us!

|Male| 🎮Gamer🎮 > 👕Fashion Lover👕 > 🕶Chore Motivator🕶
Favorite Male SC: Juan Vicente Pérez Mora
Favorite Female SCs: Lucile Randon & Kane Tanaka
😁And the kind of guy that's always down to chat😁

stoa-oid reacted
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Two announcements about small changes made in the past days/weeks:


1. In order to protect members from harrassment and stalking, I have disabled a couple of options. This means you will no longer receive notifications for (dis)likes or private messages. Neither will you receive a notification if someone is online or has made a post in one of the threads where you have posted (or which you have started).

2. With the year 2024 coming up, I have made new subforums for that year in the birthdays and deaths sections of this forum.

3. Once more, if you've registered as a member in the past couple of months, you'll need to send an e-mail to [email protected] so I can activate your account and you can post here.


Please let me know if any of the updates have led to trouble.

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Posts: 827

@admin I like the fact that you are taking measures to protect members from rude messages and harassment, however I must say I think it's going to be much more difficult for us to communicate here as a forum with the notifications for replies, threads, and private messaging disabled. I have made some good friends here on this forum and I enjoy talking to them in the private messaging, but now it will be harder to know when they responded due to private messaging notifications disabled. And we will no longer know when someone replies to us in the threads, which honestly makes me a bit sad, because I feel like we can't communicate as easily as before. Please reconsider or modify this change, but if it's what needs to be done then I respect it fully and will stand by it.


- A. C.

|Male| 🎮Gamer🎮 > 👕Fashion Lover👕 > 🕶Chore Motivator🕶
Favorite Male SC: Juan Vicente Pérez Mora
Favorite Female SCs: Lucile Randon & Kane Tanaka
😁And the kind of guy that's always down to chat😁

diego, MrCatlord, Ale76 and 1 people reacted
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Posted by: @admin

Neither will you receive a notification if someone is online or has made a post in one of the threads where you have posted (or which you have started).

The ability to see notifications for replies to posts is absolutely crucial for a forum, so removing it takes away some important functionality. In my opinion, if someone is being abusive on this forum, they should be banned, instead of punishing everyone else by depriving them of these helpful features.


Profile picture: Marita Camacho Quirós (1911-Present)

Ale76 reacted
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I fully agree with Aquanaut and Mendocino.
Persone viventi più longeve in Italia – Supercentenari d'Italia (

AQ reacted
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I agree with the permanent removal from the Forum of bullying and harassing persons, wherever necessary.

Wherever possible, like those views above, I feel permanent removals should occur, rather than removing features from the site. This of course punishes the 99.9% of our members that follow the rules and respect the others here.


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Many thanks for the feedback, everyone! I genuinely appreciate your honesty / recommendations, and I hope you'll continue to give this in the future.


Based on your feedback, I've had a constructive discussion with my team of moderators and here's what we've done:

1. I've reset the notifications to the original settings, meaning you should receive notifications once more.

2. I've unsuspended Record two days earlier than planned (Christmas spirit!) but we've changed his member group to the same one as Futurist - meaning, he'll have limited options.

3. I'll clarify to Record that this is his last chance before a permanent ban.

4. Also, I've created a new e-mail account for this forum, [email protected] , which hopefully allows new members to register more easily now. EDIT: Nope, still doesn't work. You'll still need to send an e-mail to [email protected] so I can help you.


Here's hoping these changes will be for the better! 🤗 

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Posts: 417

@admin I didn't expect you to use the word "anonymous bulletin boards" in Bans / Suspensions / Warnings thread. I have a long history of being attacked by a certain Japanese who can be called anonymous troll. Although you may not know much about it.
The troll became the reason for the establishment of a Japanese forum with the support of several members. It's sad that you said so many things that were critical of me (which could have energized and give troll(s) a reason to attack me), even though you don't know much background about me.

I think most probably I'll send you something in that email.

Thank you for your concern and for lifting the ban.

Born 3 Feburuary 1999. Founder of 5ch anonymous message board about longevity (1 January 2012) / Founder and chief administrator, the oldest people research forum in Japan founded in 1 January 2017. Link: 長寿者研究フォーラム (

ddmkm122, AQ, diego and 1 people reacted
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Dear @admin , I have sent an email to your address "[email protected]" with my arguments to encourage you to reconsider some of your words. I'm not a pure English speaker, so there may be some of misspellings, but please read from beginning to end. As I wtote in an Email, I'm a Japanese who values honor, and I think it's too much to not allow me to refute what happens in other forum elsewhere.


Also, some unnecessary restrictions should be removed. I couldn't update the "List of Apollo program crew (moonwalkers) members/survivors" thread because I couldn't enter "Honorable mentions" area.

There seem to be some open threads talking about the earthquake happened in Japan, but I can't read them. However, if I press the logout button, then I will be able to read them finely.

I don't think there's much point in prohibiting specific people like me and Futurist from viewing something that, which can be viewed by simple log-out. Alternatively, it is reasonable to change the permissions so that reading is possible but posting is prohibited. (Thanks people for "like"ing my above post! - I want to give you all a virtual hug.<3)

Born 3 Feburuary 1999. Founder of 5ch anonymous message board about longevity (1 January 2012) / Founder and chief administrator, the oldest people research forum in Japan founded in 1 January 2017. Link: 長寿者研究フォーラム (

diego reacted
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Posted by: @record_116
I don't think there's much point in prohibiting specific people like me and Futurist from viewing something that, which can be viewed by simple log-out. Alternatively, it is reasonable to change the permissions so that reading is possible but posting is prohibited.

I’m obviously not the admin of this forum or even a staff member of it (I’ve only made 10 posts and this is my first post in a little over 9 months), but you do raise a very good point about it not really making sense to prevent people from viewing something while logged in if they can just log out and view it- that just defeats the purpose, doesn’t it?


This post was modified 1 year ago 4 times by ddmkm122

MrCatlord reacted
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Posted by: @record_116

Dear @admin , I have sent an email to your address "[email protected]" with my arguments to encourage you to reconsider some of your words. I'm not a pure English speaker, so there may be some of misspellings, but please read from beginning to end. As I wtote in an Email, I'm a Japanese who values honor, and I think it's too much to not allow me to refute what happens in other forum elsewhere.


Also, some unnecessary restrictions should be removed. I couldn't update the "List of Apollo program crew (moonwalkers) members/survivors" thread because I couldn't enter "Honorable mentions" area.

There seem to be some open threads talking about the earthquake happened in Japan, but I can't read them. However, if I press the logout button, then I will be able to read them finely.

I don't think there's much point in prohibiting specific people like me and Futurist from viewing something that, which can be viewed by simple log-out. Alternatively, it is reasonable to change the permissions so that reading is possible but posting is prohibited. (Thanks people for "like"ing my above post! - I want to give you all a virtual hug.<3)

Dear @record_116, I have just replied to your e-mail. 🙂 

You raise a good point in regards with the subforums you were no longer able to see when logged in; I have changed the settings for those, so you should be able to access them - but cannot make posts in them. You will be able to regain permission to post should your behaviour improve in the long term.


Supercentenarian Fan
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I would like to know what the private section of the forum is and if I can see it.

Kane Tanaka (1903-2022) my favorite supercentenarian of all time.

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I received it, thanks you for your reply, Mr admin. Thank you for your speedy and well-organized reply.

Born 3 Feburuary 1999. Founder of 5ch anonymous message board about longevity (1 January 2012) / Founder and chief administrator, the oldest people research forum in Japan founded in 1 January 2017. Link: 長寿者研究フォーラム (

diego reacted
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Dear all,

The Admin team has created a new section for birthday projects in the "News" subforum; please post all birthday projects there from now on.

Thank you!

diego reacted
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