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Oldest Siblings

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This thread can be a place to post cases of siblings with a very high combined age.

To start with, I just discovered that Frank Mawer (1912-present) of Australia had a sister named Helen who died in 2020 at the age of 102. They currently have a combined age of nearly 212 years.

Here they are together in 2019:

Her 100th birthday:

Profile picture: Marita Camacho Quirós (1911-Present)

diego, stoa-oid, ArthurBrazil and 5 people reacted
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Huge fan of this thread - sibling/familial longevity is an especial area of interest for me. 

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In Italy, there's a sensational case of two brothers, Domenico and Salvatore Minervino: the first reached 111 years of age (he was the first Italian person ever to achieve that), while the second lived until 108. For two siblings (even more being them two males!), in the early 1990s, to live until 111 and 108, respectively, is an incredible achievement.

Interesting the pair of sisters Diega-Filippa Cammalleri, too: the first (the oldest person ever from Sicily region) lived until 113 years, 235 days and the second lived until the age of 106. At least while both were living, they were the oldest living couple of siblings in Europe.

stoa-oid, Ale76 and ReZet reacted
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Three of the Painter siblings lived to >100:


John George Painter (September 20, 1888 - March 1, 2001)

Maggie Dee Carter (March 21, 1890 - December 28, 1993)

Estella May Botts (September 18, 1899 - December 22, 2004)


In fact, none of the eleven Painter siblings died before the age of 87. Eight of the eleven lived to the age of 95+. Their father died at age 99. Their mother appears to have been the only member of the immediate family to have not lived over a decade past average human life expectancy, dying at age 72.

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Posted by: @sailor-haumea

Three of the Painter siblings lived to >100:


John George Painter (September 20, 1888 - March 1, 2001)

Maggie Dee Carter (March 21, 1890 - December 28, 1993)

Estella May Botts (September 18, 1899 - December 22, 2004)


In fact, none of the eleven Painter siblings died before the age of 87. Eight of the eleven lived to the age of 95+. Their father died at age 99. Their mother appears to have been the only member of the immediate family to have not lived over a decade past average human life expectancy, dying at age 72.

This photo from the early 1960s shows all eleven Painter siblings:

Harley Lee (1887-1984), lived to 97
John (1888-2001), lived to 112
Maggie Dee (1890-1993), lived to 103
Sarah (1891-1987), lived to 96
Mary (1893-1989), lived to 96
Ada (1895-1995), lived to 99
Lindsey (1898-1994), lived to 96
Estella (1899-2004), lived to 105
Loren (1902-1995), lived to 93
Rosa Belle (1903-1995), lived to 91
Gilbert (1905-1992), lived to 87

The source of this family's remarkable longevity seems to come from the union between their father's maternal grandparents:
Zachariah Brown (1759-1860), lived to age 100/101

Susannah Rippetoe (1775-1880), lived to age 104/105

Profile picture: Marita Camacho Quirós (1911-Present)

Dejan, Ryoung122, stoa-oid and 5 people reacted
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This isn't quite "oldest siblings", but it is an example of familial longevity.

Mary Strother's maternal uncle was Burrell Maricle (July 11, 1846 - May 25, 1949), the penultimate surviving Confederate veteran in the state of Louisiana (only William Townsend outlived him). Burrell claimed birth in 1843 but census records say otherwise. Mary's mother was Celia Ann Maricle (December 4, 1862 - September 30, 1932), who was 16 years younger than her brother Burrell.

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Brothers Silverio (1907-2018) and Juan Jose Pereira Ayala (1913-2018) of Paraguay have a combined age of at least 216. Although he claimed 1907, Silverio's baptismal record from 1908 states his year of birth as 1906, meaning that their combined age could be as high as 217. In addition, they had a sister named Anastacia who was alive in 2017 at the age of ~100, but I don't know anything else about her. 

Profile picture: Marita Camacho Quirós (1911-Present)

Dejan, stoa-oid, WellAbove110 and 4 people reacted
Very cool haha
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Let me BLOW YOUR MIND today with FOUR SIBLINGS OVER 101 in ST VINCENT! Going from earliest birth to latest one.


  • Beatrice Edwards (31 Dec 1906-26 Jan 2009) 102 years
  • Amanda Edwards (25 Dec 1908-Early 2010?) 101 years
  • Daymond Edwards (6 July 1915-9 Feb 2020) 104 years (male)
  • Rita Edwards Lawrence (20 July 1918-2 Dec 2020) 102 years




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Posted by: @rich_villa

Let me BLOW YOUR MIND today with FOUR SIBLINGS OVER 101 in ST VINCENT! Going from earliest birth to latest one.


  • Beatrice Edwards (31 Dec 1906-26 Jan 2009) 102 years
  • Amanda Edwards (25 Dec 1908-Early 2010?) 101 years
  • Daymond Edwards (6 July 1915-9 Feb 2020) 104 years (male)
  • Rita Edwards Lawrence (20 July 1918-2 Dec 2020) 102 years




It seems as Beatrice may have been born two years earlier as reports say "104", however the newest report says "104 but 1906".


Also, their mother Margaret lived to claimed age 105/106 (sources differ) however I am unable to find the DOB and DOD for her.

Dejan and stoa-oid reacted
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Gertrude Wilson (1889-2001) appears to have had an older sister who lived to 105 - Emma Williams (November 11, 1887 - November 23, 1992). Bizarrely, Emma appears to have deflated her age on her Social Security records - the SSDI records her birth year as 1895. No age is recorded in the obituary, but Gertrude is listed as her surviving sister.

Dejan reacted
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St. Vincent and the Grenadines is a small, lightly-populated island. Age 101-102 doesn't rate in the world-scale (GLOBAL) view of supercentenarians.

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Posted by: @ryoung122


St. Vincent and the Grenadines is a small, lightly-populated island. Age 101-102 doesn't rate in the world-scale (GLOBAL) view of supercentenarians.

I know but this is an amazing age for four siblings to reach in that small country.

diego and Dejan reacted
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@rich_villa I'd say it's an amazing age for four siblings to reach anywhere. There cannot be very many cases of four siblings reaching 100+.

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Posted by: @ell

@rich_villa I'd say it's an amazing age for four siblings to reach anywhere. There cannot be very many cases of four siblings reaching 100+.

I know Emma Tillman was one of 5 centenarian siblings, but that's all I can recall without checking.

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There's also the Renfro siblings (with, among others, Maggie Renfro (USA, 1895-2010)).

Overduidelijk misschien.

Dejan reacted
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Another familial longevity thing...I traced things back, and on her mother's side, Anala Hebert (1910-2020) was a distant cousin of Ida Vincent (1880-1990). The common ancestor is pretty far back, in the 18th century: Jean Baptiste Duon dit Lyonnaise (1684-1746).

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@sailor-haumea I think it's likely to be more coincidental than a case of familial longevity, unless their ancestors also enjoyed an expanded life span.

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On the subject of centenarian siblings, while I've been researching 1910s supercentenarians, here are three supercentenarians with centenarian siblings from that cohort I've found:

Alma Leuthner (May 19, 1910 - October 9, 2020) had a sister who lived to 100, Amelia Arendt (July 10, 1908 - June 16, 2009)

Doris Woodring (June 9, 1910 - April 3, 2021) had a sister who lived to 100, Marjorie Wooster (August 19, 1912 - May 2, 2013)

Mary Slocum (born January 19, 1912) has a sister living at age 101, Grace LaRusso (born March 21, 1921)

Dejan and ArthurBrazil reacted
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Posted by: @sailor-haumea

This isn't quite "oldest siblings", but it is an example of familial longevity.

Mary Strother's maternal uncle was Burrell Maricle (July 11, 1846 - May 25, 1949), the penultimate surviving Confederate veteran in the state of Louisiana (only William Townsend outlived him). Burrell claimed birth in 1843 but census records say otherwise. Mary's mother was Celia Ann Maricle (December 4, 1862 - September 30, 1932), who was 16 years younger than her brother Burrell.

Here are some articles on Maricle's passing in 1949. I had forgotten that Stephen Dupuis also outlived him, so he was the third to last Confederate veteran in Louisiana.

Dejan and ArthurBrazil reacted
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Back on the subject of oldest siblings, found another supercentenarian with a centenarian sibling:


Clara Ida Kirchner (née Bangert) (October 3, 1884 - December 9, 1994)

Matilda Hinrichsen (née Bangert) (November 28, 1900 - March 30, 2001)

Dejan reacted
Very cool haha
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Not very good for the world, but

Ben Statie (3 Apr 1914 - c. 30 May 2019) oldest man ever to die in Aruba and Seferina Cicilia-Statie (27 Aug 1917 - c. 11 Nov 2019) then-OLP in Bonaire were brother and sister

Them together on Ben's 105th birthday

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Posted by: @rich_villa

Let me BLOW YOUR MIND today with FOUR SIBLINGS OVER 101 in ST VINCENT! Going from earliest birth to latest one.


  • Beatrice Edwards (31 Dec 1906-26 Jan 2009) 102 years
  • Amanda Edwards (25 Dec 1908-Early 2010?) 101 years
  • Daymond Edwards (6 July 1915-9 Feb 2020) 104 years (male)
  • Rita Edwards Lawrence (20 July 1918-2 Dec 2020) 102 years




I have "better " 😉 


  • Lucienne Gilet (maiden name: Lavergne) 2 March 1901-11 March 2003 102 years
  • Edouard Lavergne 13 March 1905-17 Aug 2006 101 years
  • René Lavergne 10 Feb 1907-8 Feb 2008 100 years
  • Raymond Lavergne 7 May 1909-22 Aug 2010 101 years
  • André Lavergne 13 Feb 1913-5 March 2016 102 years
  • Roland Lavergne 19 March 1916-4 Jan 2017 100 years

GRG correspondent for France (October 2012-20/04/2023)

Dejan, ArthurBrazil, ReZet and 1 people reacted
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In Italy we have these 4 siblings centenarians:

Carmela D'Ari (19 April 1901 - 10 December 2002): 101 years and 235 days;
Maria D'Ari (28 September 1902 - 28 March 2004): 101 years and 181 days;
Ortensia D'Ari (27 August 1914 - Living): 107 years e 238 days;
Letizia D'Ari (27 August 1917 - 9 October 2019): 102 years and 43 days.

Persone viventi più longeve in Italia – Supercentenari d'Italia (supercentenariditalia.it)

Dejan, IndependentThinker, WellAbove110 and 2 people reacted
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Same as I posted on The 110 Club, Shiro Moriyama's older brother lived until aged 106 (died in 2012).

Born 3 Feburuary 1999. Founder of 5ch anonymous message board about longevity (1 January 2012) / Founder and chief administrator, the oldest people research forum in Japan founded in 1 January 2017. Link: 長寿者研究フォーラム (oldestpeopleforum.jp)

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Ethel Caterham's older sister, Gladys Babilas, was born on 21 December 1897 and died on 9 March 2002 at the age of 104 years, 78 days - giving them a combined age of 217 years, 92 days and counting.


Ale76 reacted
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I discovered a new pair of siblings who lived together 216 years and 255 days and are the second-oldest known pair of siblings from Portugal, behind Albano Andrade (1909-2021) and Alberto Andrade (1911-2021).

Carlota Luzio was born on 15 April 1890, in the small village of Castelões, Chaves, Vila Real District, Portugal. Her parents were Domingos Luzio and Maria Pedralves, her paternal grandparents were Domingos Luzio and Maria Pedralves and her maternal grandparents were António Madureira and Albina Cabelheira, as it says in her baptism record. She married with Joaquim Rodrigues Couto on 6 June 1910 and widowed in 1953.

On her 107th birthday it was believed that she was the oldest living person in Portugal, however Elvira de Jesus Caldeira (1886-1998) was the real oldest living person in Portugal at that time.

Carlota Luzio celebra 107 anos de vida – RTP Arquivos

Carlota Luzio died on 24 July 1997 at the age of 107 years, 100 days in the parish of Santa Maria Maior, Chaves.

Baptism Record:

107th birthday:

Immediately after seeing the report of Carlotas´s 107th birthday, I associated her with another well-known portuguese centenarian, Teresa Madureira Luzio, and I discovered that they were sisters.

Tereza Luzio was born on 16 December 1897, in the small village of Castelões, Chaves, Vila Real District, Portugal. Her parents were Domingos Luzio and Maria Madureira, her paternal grandparents were Domingos Luzio and Maria Pedralves and her maternal grandparents were António Madureira and Albina Cabelheira, as it says in her baptism record.

The only difference between the two baptism records is the surname of their mother, however I researched the records of that parish in Castelões between 1880 and 1910 and the only couple with the names Domingos Luzio and Maria were married on 26 October 1887 with the names of Domingos Luzio and Maria Cabelheira.

The couple had 6 children: Name of parents on each baptism record

- Carlota (b. 8 Dec.1887 - ?) Domingos Luzio and Maria Cabelheira

- Carlota (b. 15 Apr. 1890 - 24 July 1997) Domingos Luzio and Maria Pedralves

- António (b. 6 Dec. 1892 - 23 Nov. 1969) died in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Domingos Luzio and Maria Cabelheira

- José (b. 18 Apr. 1895 - ?) Domingos Luzio and Maria Cabelheira

- Teresa (b. 16 Dec. 1897 - 20 May 2007) Domingos Luzio and Maria Madureira

- Manuel (b. 30 Dec. 1900 - 20 May 1977 or 1979) Domingos Luzio and Maria Pedralves

It was common at that time for portuguese women to adopt different surnames, depending on the stages in life. She used her mother´s surname most of the times (Cabelheira), but she also used her mother-in-law surname (Pedralves) and her father´s surname (Madureira). 

The names of the maternal and paternal grandparents were always the same in the marriage and baptism records.

On Teresa´s 109th birthday it was said that she lived in Argentina and in Lisbon, where she was a seamstress. She also spent 16 years in a convent in Spain, where she became a "nun" and when she returned to Castelões, she was in charge of teaching catechism and all events connected with the church. Teresa was known as "the nun" in Castelões. She never married.

Teresa Luzio celebrou 109 anos com fraco ouvido mas muito cantar (rtp.pt)

Outubro 2008 - ALDEIA DE CASTELÕES (sapo.pt) 22 October 2008 - TERESA LUZIO

Teresa Luzio died on 20 May 2007, at the age of 109 years, 155 days in the parish of Santa Maria Maior, Chaves. At that time she was the third-oldest living person in Portugal, behind Maria de Jesus (1893-2009) and Augusto Moreira de Oliveira (1896-2009). She is also the oldest known person from Vila Real district.

I think that the other elderly lady next to Carlota on her 107th birthday must be Teresa, aged 99, but she is not mentioned in the report.



ESO Correspondent for Portugal

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Today's update

In Italy we have these 4 siblings centenarians (D'Ari's sisters):
Carmela D'Ari (19 April 1901 - 10 December 2002): 101 years and 235 days;
Maria D'Ari (28 September 1902 - 28 March 2004): 101 years and 181 days;
Ortensia D'Ari (27 August 1914 - Living): 108 years e 116 days;
Letizia D'Ari (27 August 1917 - 9 October 2019): 102 years and 43 days.

Total 413 years 210 days


Italy has these 2 siblings supercentenarians (Addari's sisters):
Giovanna Addari (24 June 1910 - 22 July 2020): 110 years and 28 days;
Amelia Addari (25 March 1912 - Living): 110 years and 271 days.

Total 220 years 299 days


Italy also had these 2 siblings centenarians (Cammalleri's sisters):
Diega Cammalleri (23 October 1905 - 15 June 2019): 113 years and 235 days;
Filippa Cammalleri (25 December 1911 - 6 July 2018): 106 years and 206 days.

Total 220 years 76 days



Persone viventi più longeve in Italia – Supercentenari d'Italia (supercentenariditalia.it)

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In Portugal we have these 3 siblings centenarians:

Elvira de Jesus Caldeira Figueiredo (27 July 1886 - 5 June 1998) 111 years, 313 days;

Rita Caldeira (26 November 1889 - 30 January 1992) 102 years, 65 days;

Maria José Caldeira Morais (28 July 1893 - fl.30 July 1996) 103 years, 2+ days.

They lived at least a total of 317 years and 15 days


In Portugal we have these 2 sisters centenarians:

Carlota Luzio (15 April 1890 - 24 July 1997) 107 years, 100 days;

Tereza Luzio (16 December 1897 - 20 May 2007) 109 years, 155 days.

Total 216 years and 255 days


In Portugal we have these 2 brothers centenarians:

Albano Ferreira de Andrade (14 December 1909 - 29 June 2021) 111 years, 197 days;

Alberto Andrade (2 December 1911 - 8 October 2021) 109 years, 310 days.

Total 221 years and 142 days


In Portugal we have this 2 pairs of twin siblings centenarians:

Celestina Rebelo (26 August 1914 - living) 108 years, 125 days;

Aurora Rebelo (26 August 1914 - March 2018) 103 years, 187-217 days.


Raquel de Jesus (30 April 1878 - 3 February 1981) 102 years, 279 days;

Maria Vitória (30 April 1878 - fl.3 May 1978) 100 years, 3+ days.

Homenagem a gémeas com 100 anos – RTP Arquivos

PT-ADLRA-PRQ-PBTL02-001-0009_m0093.TIF - Batismos - Arquivo Distrital de Leiria - DigitArq (arquivos.pt) - page 93 (Baptism records)

ESO Correspondent for Portugal

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In Germany we have these 3 centenarian siblings:


Johannes (Hans) Kant (14 May 1918 - living) 104 years, 229 days;

Bruno Kant (Catholic Priest since 1950) (26 Februar 1916 - living) 106 years, 306 days;

Elisabeth Schwarzkopf (?? December 1914 - living) 107 years, 363+ days;


Gelnhausen erleben - +++Der Hundertjährige....+++ der in Gelnhausen eine neue Heimat fand: Johannes Kant feiert heute seinen 100. Geburtstag. Herzlichen Glückwunsch! | Facebook

Signale stellen für das Leben | Bonifatiusbote - Der Sonntag - Glaube und Leben (kirchenzeitung.de)

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According to List No. 193 Ganymed (Update January 2023) The 110 Club, Mrs. Elisabeth Schwarzkopf née Kant, sadly passed away in 2022, aged 107/108. The exactly date is not known for the moment.



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