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Supercentenarian Coincidences

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Feel free to post interesting coincidences here


Here is an interesting string of coincidences I thought of in the past couple days (some of which I figured out as I was writing this):

Our beloved 2nd-oldest person passed away on the 22nd day of the 2nd month... all twos. On that same day, her successor as American doyenne entered the Top 100 people of all time... replacing Cecile Edith Klein (recognize the bolded letters?) Klein was Jewish and Canadian - the oldest Canadian (Mabel) and oldest Jew (Pearl) passed away two days apart within the last month (both of them also lived near the West Coast of North America). You know who else died two days apart a few months ago? Domenica Ercolani and (Eleanor) Rosalynn Carter - Carter's initials, ERC, are the same letters as the beginning of Domenica's surname (And her husband shares Pearl's birthday). You know who else has these initials? Correct, Edie Ceccarelli. Do you know when Edie married her first husband, Elmer Keenan? The seventeenth of  November, the same day Ercolani died on exactly ninety years later. Additionally, the wife of Theodore Roosevelt was named Edith - our Edie was the last American resident born in his presidency.

diego reacted
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I think about that a lot. It has been scientifically proven that "gifted" people like me have a strong ability to discover many coincidences ... So, I passed the Mensa exam and became a member of it. Even a seemingly difficult IQ test, you can be easily solved if you quickly discover many "coincidences".


The 10 Supercentenarian Coincidences In History.

  1. Coincidence of numbers between members and SC: I know of a miraculous & astronomical coincidence in this regard. For example, a user who is known to be a big fan of Jeanne Calment and one of most famous longevity fan, was born on the 122nd day of that year (2 May). 122, that is the same number as Calment's final age. However, I refrain from writing the other names of individual members as it can offend them.
  2. The 2 SC with J initial: J. Talley and J. Sisnett was both born on May 23rd. Well, this alone doesn't make it a remarkable coincidence, but consider this: Talley died as the 13rd oldest validated woman ever, and Sisnett died as the 13rd oldest man ever.
  3. Lucile Randon's twin sister, Lydie, who had the same name as Calment's contemporary SC Lydie Vellard, died on August 4, 1905, the same day that Calment died.
  4. Lucile Randon died 122 days before she could tie the age of the 3rd-oldest person ever.
  5. Nabi Tajima, who was at the time of her death the 3rd oldest person of al time. is also born on 4 August.
  6. On 21 February 1960, at the age of 110 years, 136 days, Robert A. Early become the oldest validated man ever, on Jeanne Calment's 85th birthday.
  7. Kane Tanaka died on Jiroemon Kimura's 125th birth anniversary, and the day Kane's death was announced was the 115th birthday of the next Japan's OLP Fusa Tatsumi. In addition, the Japanese name "Fusa" is the same name as Kimura's mother.
  8. Dina Manfredini is the oldest validated woman ever who was born on April 4th.
    Efrain Antonio Rios Garcia is the oldest validated man ever who was born on April 4th.
    Dina = born in 1897, Efrain = born in 1910
    13 years of difference
    Oddly enough Dina Manfredini's reign as the world's oldest living person was same number, 13 days.
  9. The two Brazilian WOPs was shared the same date:

    Ana Nogueira de Luca was born on 21 June 1896
    Maria Gomes Valentim was died on 21 June 2011

    And another coincidences are:
    "An interesting coincidence to note is how both her and Mrs. Gomes Valentim were from the same State." (member: Seto2001 wrote.)

  10. Mariopi110 found that coincidence: the number of days between two periods of no 116 year olds is exactly the same.

    The two periods are:

    Sarah Knauss's death - Maria Capovilla's 116th birthday
    Elizabeth Bolden's death - Besse Cooper's 116th birthday

    These periods both were 2085 days.

The fact that there are so many coincidences between SCs makes me doubt that the Simulation hypothesis is correct. I can't quite explain, but did God or Something Great make these coincidences? (also Jeanne Calment, the oldest person to have ever live, is coincidentally having the same initial as Jesus Christ (J. C.).) These coincidences are particularly unlikely, but they did actually happen several times. 😮 


Born 3 Feburuary 1999. Founder of 5ch anonymous message board about longevity (1 January 2012) / Founder and chief administrator, the oldest people research forum in Japan founded in 1 January 2017. Link: 長寿者研究フォーラム (

diego, MrCatlord and AQ reacted
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@record_116 number 10 is shocking and strange. Really surprised me to see that one. The fact that the number I'd exactly the same is incredibly unusual and rare.

|Male| 🎮Gamer🎮 > 👕Fashion Lover👕 > 🕶Chore Motivator🕶
Favorite Male SC: Juan Vicente Pérez Mora
Favorite Female SCs: Lucile Randon & Kane Tanaka
😁And the kind of guy that's always down to chat😁

MrCatlord reacted
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Most of these aren't coincidences, they're just forcing data points to align (in the same way people point out "coincidences" with the assassinations of Lincoln and Kennedy). If you think of the whole supercentenarian populous, of course you're going to get shared birthdays, death days etc. If you're extending it to family members of them, then you're going to get even more. You only need a sample of 23 dates before it becomes more likely than not that two of them will be the same day and month. 

It was a coincidence that Bob Weighton and Joan Hocquard were the OLM and OLW in Britain, born on exactly the same date. 

Most of these are cherrypicking in the extreme. You're not even comparing like-for-like data points most of the time, just finding a date/number and then finding a completely unrelated event that shares that date/number. I analyse data for my job and could manufacture dozens of these with pretty much any set of data - data can show anything if you massage it enough.

AQ, Mendocino and Ale76 reacted
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I really find threads like these to be arbitrary at best. What can we do with this? This is very much fan fluff and mashing together data to fit whatever one wants.

Is it a coincidence that x and y were born on the same day when there have been like 5,000+ SCs?

MrCatlord reacted
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Those who seek shall find.

I advise to watch this video for those who think the coincidences listed in this thread are all very impressive:

Maybe one or two can be considered interesting, but as already pointed out above, most of it is just forced data-aligning.

ESO Correspondent for Hungary (since 2020)
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Alright, Simulation hypothesis is too much, as @ell said, these coincidences most probably will occur naturally, than I thought.

but I still finding these coincidences makes me feel "nice" or "beautiful". In particular, I think it's very nice coincidence that two of Japan's outstanding record holders are numerically connected, and I thought it was worth posting/pointing. I think you have similar feelings too, that you posted elsewhere that the oldest person ever in @024tomi 's country Hungary had a unique connection with you in numbers.

@930310 I think you loved funfluff posts in 10 years ago at The 110 Club, but I personally think you've become much changed and more serious now! I'm sorry if I offended you.

Also I was born on exactly the day 100th death anniversary of Geert Adriaans Boomgaard, the first known supercentenarian.



Born 3 Feburuary 1999. Founder of 5ch anonymous message board about longevity (1 January 2012) / Founder and chief administrator, the oldest people research forum in Japan founded in 1 January 2017. Link: 長寿者研究フォーラム (

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@024tomi Honestly, I would agree. I think 10 is eerie and weird, but the rest aren't as rare.

|Male| 🎮Gamer🎮 > 👕Fashion Lover👕 > 🕶Chore Motivator🕶
Favorite Male SC: Juan Vicente Pérez Mora
Favorite Female SCs: Lucile Randon & Kane Tanaka
😁And the kind of guy that's always down to chat😁

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Yeah, I think there are guaranteed to be some coincidences like a lot of the ones described (like my whole rant). However, I still enjoy coming up with things like these and seeing other people come up with them

(As of yesterday, there are now four 109+ people in Montreal who are named Margaret, Maria, Mariangiola, and Mary)

(Juan's wife was named Ediofina... Edie's parents were named Maria and Agostino... Maria's husband was named August and her husband was named Joan)


diego, stoa-oid and AQ reacted
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Maria's 117th birthday is in 2.5 hours and there are 117 comments on the page (so no one comment until her birthday happens)

I stumbled upon an interesting coincidence this morning:


Between 4 March 2023 and 24 April 2023, when Maria was 116 and Fusa was still 115, (counting each day) there are 52 days

Between 13 December 2023 and 4 February 2024, when Fusa had passed away and Edie was still 115, there are 54 days

Between 23 February 2024 and 3 March 2024 (today), after Edie left us, there are 10 days

This adds up to 116 days

There are all of the days that Maria was the only 116-year-old

Maria Branyas Morera has been the only living 116-year-old for exactly 116 of the days that she has been that age

diego reacted
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Harry Patch passed away with the age of 111 years, 1 month, 1 week and 1 day (also the same day of Elizabeth Francis turns 100). He was known as "The Last Fighting Tommy", and was the last surviving person who joined the front line of World War 1, who ended on 11 AM, 11 November 1918.


If novel prize winner Roger Penrose's theory that there are only possibility of human being exist: 1/10^10^123 is correct, then that would be an incredibly crazy coincidence! Therefore, some people believe in the existence of fate or the simulation hypothesis, but seems like still some people explain that it is just a coincidence.

Fun Fact: Today, 14 March 2024 marks the 145th anniversary of Einstein's birth, so it's very fitting day to made this post.

Born 3 Feburuary 1999. Founder of 5ch anonymous message board about longevity (1 January 2012) / Founder and chief administrator, the oldest people research forum in Japan founded in 1 January 2017. Link: 長寿者研究フォーラム (

diego and ChrisR reacted
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I wouldn't say a coincidence, but rather something interesting to point out. Juan Vicente Pérez Mora outlived every other validated man by 2 calendar years, and Gisaburo Sonobe outlived every other Japanese man who was born during the Meiji Era by 2 calendar years as well.


2nd: Delio Venturotti (2022)

1st: Juan Vicente Pérez Mora (2024)

Meiji Era:

2nd: Shigeru Nakamura (2022)

1st: Gisaburo Sonobe (2024)


Truly exceptional achievements.

|Male| 🎮Gamer🎮 > 👕Fashion Lover👕 > 🕶Chore Motivator🕶
Favorite Male SC: Juan Vicente Pérez Mora
Favorite Female SCs: Lucile Randon & Kane Tanaka
😁And the kind of guy that's always down to chat😁

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Juan Vicente Perez Mora and Lillian Moran died on the same day

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Not really a coincidence MrCatlord, one can find many instances of supercentenarians dying on the same day.

024Tomi reacted
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Posted by: @chrisr

Not really a coincidence MrCatlord, one can find many instances of supercentenarians dying on the same day.

Obviously, but they both had "Mora" in their name which is also the first four letters of Morano (and Marie Mora is now pending)


diego reacted
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Fair enough, but at a personal level I wonder how relevant those types of details are.

Anyway, each is welcome to their own perspectives.

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