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Why some SCs don't wear glasses anymore?

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I have seen that some SCs who weared glasses all the time, they suddenly don't use them anymore. I can think of the two OLP in Spain, María Branyas and Silveria Martín. And I'm sure there are more examples. What is the reason? Maybe they don't use glasses as their eyesight is poor even if they wear them? And there are other old SCs, as Eddie Ceccarelli or Besse Cooper, who have used glasses even when they were +115...

Also, I have seen some notable people who wear glasses, but since they are 80+, they don't use it more. In this case, maybe it's because they use contact glasses or they have an eyesight operation. But I don't think this is the case of SCs...

diego reacted
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I imagine it's because their eyesight has worsened, to the point where their glasses wouldn't help them see better. According to people who met her, María Branyas' eyesight isn't very good, and it looks like she has cataracts based on some photos I've seen, but she's still able to read large print at least.

Profile picture: Marita Camacho Quirós (1911-Present)

diego and 930310 reacted
PhD student in Social Work - Dementia
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Cataracts is one of the most common conditions affecting the elderly and few centenarians have surgery. A worsening of a person's eyesight is the most common reason why they don’t wear glasses any longer. 

diego reacted
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@mendocino She is able to watch pictures, cards and bills/notes (small documents). So her eyesight may not be that poor. She weared glasses until she was 110, not so long ago...

diego reacted
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@930310 SCs as María Branyas can still watch (they have eye contact with people and they can look different things). I find normal that SCs like Lucile Randon, who were blind by cataracts, didn't use glasses anymore. But yes, I suppose that María doesn't wear glasses as they don't longer improve her eyesight.

diego reacted