Yoshie Terada, one of the oldest living residents of Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan, passed away in Iwata on November 3, at the age of 110 years, 155 days. Her passing was first reported by Shizuoka Shimbun on November 5.
Yoshie Terada was born on 1 June 1914 in the former town of Asaba (now Fukuroi City), Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan. After marrying a farmer, she moved to Iwata City and worked on the farm.
Even at the age of 100, Terada still lived at home with her family, staying healthy by making small items such as tissue cases and blankets with a sewing machine, and reading the newspaper every day. She believed the secret to a long life is to always stay calm and avoid anger. Terada gave her handicrafts to those around her, expressing the hope that they, too, would live to be 100 years old and wishing them happiness. Bringing joy to others, she felt, also enriched her own life.
May she rest in peace.
Persone viventi più longeve in Italia – Supercentenari d'Italia (