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64 Posts
17 Users
93 Reactions
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 417

This is a ranking of the most posted users in this forum, as of 16:00 (UTC) 30 December 2022. (Total forum posts: 6,266)

 1. Ale76 - 1,240

 2. Marco - 965

 3. 930310 - 401

 4. Admin - 315

 5. seto2001 - 280

 6. Dejan - 268

 7. Record_116 - 216 (but I think I'll kicked out from top 10 soon)

 8. Sailor Haumea - 210

 9. Mendocino - 206

10. ReZet - 153

Rest in peace, the year 2022. You really made me upset just like the year 2020, but also an eventful year and gave me a lot of good experiences.

I hope members are all happy and having a good time in 2023, regardless of the 110 Club members or GSF members.

Born 3 Feburuary 1999. Founder of 5ch anonymous message board about longevity (1 January 2012) / Founder and chief administrator, the oldest people research forum in Japan founded in 1 January 2017. Link: 長寿者研究フォーラム (

diego, JimJim00, Marco and 2 people reacted
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 3545

Posted by: @record_116
I hope members are all happy and having a good time in 2023, regardless of the 110 Club members or GSF members.


Likewise, @record_116. 🙂


Overduidelijk misschien.

Record_116 reacted
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 1643

Agreed ….. and Happy New Year everyone.

Just heading out to a New Years Eve function now, in Sydney.

Record_116 reacted
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 417

Marco reaches 1,000 posts today.

Born 3 Feburuary 1999. Founder of 5ch anonymous message board about longevity (1 January 2012) / Founder and chief administrator, the oldest people research forum in Japan founded in 1 January 2017. Link: 長寿者研究フォーラム (

Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 1643

Congratulations Marco

1.000 Posts is a monumental effort.

Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 827

Good work Marco! Happy 1000 posts! I look forward to the next 1000!

|Male| 🎮Gamer🎮 > 👕Fashion Lover👕 > 🕶Chore Motivator🕶
Favorite Male SC: Juan Vicente Pérez Mora
Favorite Female SCs: Lucile Randon & Kane Tanaka
😁And the kind of guy that's always down to chat😁

Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 417

Ale76 surpass 1,500 count yesterday.

Ale76 - 1,508 ② Marco - 1,112 ③ 930310 - 442 ④ Admin - 326 ⑤ seto2001 - 283 ⑥ Dejan - 282 ⑦ ChrisR - 244 ⑧ Mendocino - 232 ⑨ Record_116 - 226 ⑩ Sailor Haumea - 210 ⑪ Charlesm09 - 204 ⑫ 024Tomi - 173 ⑬ ReZet - 153 ⑭ Aquanaut_Chalk - 145

So, the top 2 are an outlier like Kane Tanaka and Lucile Randon. Total forum posts as of 6 Feb. 2023 = 7,299

Born 3 Feburuary 1999. Founder of 5ch anonymous message board about longevity (1 January 2012) / Founder and chief administrator, the oldest people research forum in Japan founded in 1 January 2017. Link: 長寿者研究フォーラム (

Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 827

Ale76 is the Kane Tanaka of the GSC forum

and Marco is the Lucile Randon of the GSC forum!

Cool insight!

Congrats to everyone on putting some great effort!

|Male| 🎮Gamer🎮 > 👕Fashion Lover👕 > 🕶Chore Motivator🕶
Favorite Male SC: Juan Vicente Pérez Mora
Favorite Female SCs: Lucile Randon & Kane Tanaka
😁And the kind of guy that's always down to chat😁

Ale76 and Record_116 reacted
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 1643

I'm sure our two "outliers" will last a bit longer than this category usually achieves in the supercentenarian world 😊 

Supercentenarian Fan
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Posts: 6088

@chrisr Thanks for your words, my friend!
Persone viventi più longeve in Italia – Supercentenari d'Italia (

Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 417

Futurist joined this forum shortly after in The 110 Club his account were banned eternally. I think he will soon surpess Ale76 and having the record of "most posting account ever" in the both The 110 Club and here (GSF).

Born 3 Feburuary 1999. Founder of 5ch anonymous message board about longevity (1 January 2012) / Founder and chief administrator, the oldest people research forum in Japan founded in 1 January 2017. Link: 長寿者研究フォーラム (

Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 782

Posted by: @record_116

Futurist joined this forum shortly after in The 110 Club his account were banned eternally. I think he will soon surpess Ale76 and having the record of "most posting account ever" in the both The 110 Club and here (GSF).

Actually, I enjoyed this forum in April of last year. I simply took my time getting my e-mail confirmed and beginning to post here.

As for me breaking the record, we'll see, but I want to aim for quality over quantity here. Though if one can get both, well, ... 😉


Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 1643

I'll always seek to show respect for everyone on the Forum.

But in that regard Futurist, I do hope we see a lot less posts than you've historically put on the 110 Club.  

Amck and Record_116 reacted
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 417

Record_116 did 242 posts in GSF in 341 days (15 March 2022 - 25 February 2023), 0.70 times per day

Futurist did 238 posts in GSF in 17 days (9 February 2023 - 25 February 2023), 14 times per day 😮 

This shows how he was posting a lot, however now he was suspended for a month.

By the way I don't understand why in those types of forums, users always use a 2 words that have very similar meanings, "suspension" and "ban" and don't use the same words unlike Wikipedia (usually they use only an expression of "block") or the Japanese forum site.

Born 3 Feburuary 1999. Founder of 5ch anonymous message board about longevity (1 January 2012) / Founder and chief administrator, the oldest people research forum in Japan founded in 1 January 2017. Link: 長寿者研究フォーラム (

Amck reacted
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 417

15/03/2023 makes 1 year annivarsary since I joined the Global Supercentenarian Forum and several members reachs thier 1 year annivarsary recently

Top 10 members who most time posted

  1. Ale76 - 1,786
  2. Marco - 1,319
  3. 930310 - 489
  4. Admin - 385
  5. ChrisR - 373
  6. Dejan - 323
  7. seto2001 - 290
  8. Mendocino - 264
  9. Record_116 - 262
  10. Charlesm09 - 243


Top 10 members who most time received like

  1. Ale76 - 1,810
  2. Marco - 1,041
  3. seto2001 - 636
  4. Mendocino - 633
  5. 930310 - 512
  6. Admin - 404
  7. 024Tomi - 272
  8. ChrisR - 267
  9. Dejan - 218
  10. Charlsm09 - 211


Top 10 members who most time using like

  1. Dejan - 1,406
  2. diego - 767
  3. Ale76 - 523
  4. stoa-oid - 513
  5. Amck - 506
  6. Record_116 - 417
  7. Marco - 355
  8. Saulor Haumea - 343
  9. ChrisR - 321
  10. seto2001 - 307


Top 10 members who most time created a topic/thread

  1. Ale76 - 298
  2. Marco - 221
  3. Charlsm09 - 125
  4. seto2001 - 82
  5. Mendocino - 57
  6. Admin - 41
  7. Dejan - 38
  8. FEW - 30
  9. Fabri21 - 28
  10. Ollie - 25

Born 3 Feburuary 1999. Founder of 5ch anonymous message board about longevity (1 January 2012) / Founder and chief administrator, the oldest people research forum in Japan founded in 1 January 2017. Link: 長寿者研究フォーラム (

diego and siam reacted
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 417

It's should be pointing out that this forum site currently has 110 members. 110 is of course, a special number for this community, as the minimum age of a supercentenarian.

Born 3 Feburuary 1999. Founder of 5ch anonymous message board about longevity (1 January 2012) / Founder and chief administrator, the oldest people research forum in Japan founded in 1 January 2017. Link: 長寿者研究フォーラム (

FEW, diego and ChrisR reacted
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 417

Ale76 reaches 2,000 posts today. Congratulations on your second millennium 🥂 

(I also reaching 300 today.)

Born 3 Feburuary 1999. Founder of 5ch anonymous message board about longevity (1 January 2012) / Founder and chief administrator, the oldest people research forum in Japan founded in 1 January 2017. Link: 長寿者研究フォーラム (

diego, ChrisR and Ale76 reacted
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 417

The 110 Club + GSF overall combined rank

As of 27 May 2023 18:40 UTC

01 - Futurist     23,827 +   246 = 24,073
02 - Ale76        21,733 + 2,181 = 23,914
03 - ryoung122 20,949 +    74 = 21,023
04 - gnus3        20,344 +     0 = 20,344
05 - Ollie          14,225 +    68 = 14,293
06 - Waenceslaus 10,916 +     0 = 10,916
07 - 930310       8,436 +  524 = 8,960
08 - clark kent    8,286 +     0 = 8,286
09 - davzar         7,915 +     0 = 7,915
10 - georg fuerholzer 7,067 +     0 = 7,067
11 - Border         5,854 +     0 = 5,854
12 - mars20 (Sonicbox) 5,711 +    71 = 5,782
13 - Baxi             5,095 +     0 = 5,095
14 - Fiskje88 (Marco) 3,536 + 1,488 = 5,024
15 - Donovan       4,665 +     0 = 4,665

Born 3 Feburuary 1999. Founder of 5ch anonymous message board about longevity (1 January 2012) / Founder and chief administrator, the oldest people research forum in Japan founded in 1 January 2017. Link: 長寿者研究フォーラム (

Ale76 and diego reacted
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 417

Posted by: @record_116

The 110 Club + GSF overall combined rank

As of 27 May 2023 18:40 UTC

01 - Futurist     23,827 +   246 = 24,073
02 - Ale76        21,733 + 2,181 = 23,914
03 - ryoung122 20,949 +    74 = 21,023
04 - gnus3        20,344 +     0 = 20,344

The 110 Club + GSF overall combined rank

As of 18 November 2023 17:00 UTC, Ale76 completely surpass Futurist.

Note: in The 110 Club due to an error posts in "Gallery" section will not count to the user's post count.

01 - Ale76        21,734 + 3,164 = 24,898
02 - Futurist     23,827 +   339 = 24,166
03 - gnus3        21,412 +     0 = 21,412
04 - ryoung122 20,949 +    78 = 21,027


As of today the GSF have 121 members, one more person to reach 122, Jeanne Calment's final age!

It looks like the GSF now allows members to edit posts that are quite old, even months old, wow.

Born 3 Feburuary 1999. Founder of 5ch anonymous message board about longevity (1 January 2012) / Founder and chief administrator, the oldest people research forum in Japan founded in 1 January 2017. Link: 長寿者研究フォーラム (

diego reacted
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 417

Update the first time since 7 months, list of members who did 200+ posts.

As of 18 November 2023 17:00 UTC

01. Ale76 3166

02. Marco 2247

03. ChrisR 746

04. 930910 609

05. Aquanaut_Chalk 560

06. Mendocino 455

07. Admin 422

08. Charlesm09 401

09. Dejan 362

10. Record_116 358

11. diego 353

12. Futurist 339

13. seto2001 328

14. MrCatlord 307

15. Sailor Haumea 304

16. 024Tomi 268

17. FEW 205

18. Gabriel_PT 205

Exact total posts are unknown, as only has been announced "14.3 K Posts".

Ale76 holds the record of creating threads/topics then anyone else, with 474 threads. While diego has a unique No.1 record of using "like" function 4,490 times.

Born 3 Feburuary 1999. Founder of 5ch anonymous message board about longevity (1 January 2012) / Founder and chief administrator, the oldest people research forum in Japan founded in 1 January 2017. Link: 長寿者研究フォーラム (

Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 417

The GSF have 122 members, the same age as Jeanne Calment's final age. Recently (within 30 days), the number has increased from 121 to 122. However, strangely, the name of the newest member remained the same.

(Also, while I am concerned about what recently happened to member @deleted_account000, I am grateful for his recent unexcpected comment that are thoughtful of me. He can talk to me privately on my SNS, which is I think not difficlult to find.)

Born 3 Feburuary 1999. Founder of 5ch anonymous message board about longevity (1 January 2012) / Founder and chief administrator, the oldest people research forum in Japan founded in 1 January 2017. Link: 長寿者研究フォーラム (

diego reacted
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 417

@ChrisR reached 1,000 posts today (milestone reaching on 8 hours ago, 27 Feb. 2024 as of most of the world's timezone). Now he reachs 1,001, a number that can express of "thousand and one nights".

I have little support for your organization due to geopolitical and inevitable reasons among some members, and I believe I am in the minority category within this community. However, as a fan, I must say thanks you for the interesting posts and their love for SC of ChrisR, as well as other remarkable members in this community.

Born 3 Feburuary 1999. Founder of 5ch anonymous message board about longevity (1 January 2012) / Founder and chief administrator, the oldest people research forum in Japan founded in 1 January 2017. Link: 長寿者研究フォーラム (

diego, ChrisR, AQ and 2 people reacted
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 1643

Thank you very much for your very kind comments Record116. They are most appreciated and respected.

I must admit that I am “a fan” who contributes to the supercentenarian cause in ways other than research. So in that respect many of my post are not of the same quality as others provide.

So reaching 1,000 posts mainly reflects passion rather than expertise in my case. 

Enjoy your day Record116, and the same to the rest of the forum members.


Ale76 and diego reacted
PhD student in Social Work - Dementia
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Posts: 657

@chrisr Congratulations on being such an active member in our community. It is appreciated.

ChrisR reacted
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 1643

Thank you very much J.

Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 742

Today our member @record_116 reached  400 posts !

That's also worth a few congratulations, wishing a comfortable and positive day. Thank you supporting this forum with your good thoughts and membership.

diego and ChrisR reacted
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 417

Posted by: @few

Today our member @record_116 reached  400 posts !

That's also worth a few congratulations, wishing a comfortable and positive day. Thank you supporting this forum with your good thoughts and membership.

I am deeply grateful for your blessings to me over the years, FEW!. Those kind words heal my heart, which has been attacked by Japanese internet troll recently.

FEW, I feel I'm pity that you and I have never spoken in a private place (e.g. Facebook or other SNS), but if you wish, I can start easily. Note: My GSF's private message feature and like function are banned.

You (and some others) may have questions about certain recent actions of me, which were inevitable given its sudden onset after the pandemic starts. But I think I can give people a satisfactory answer on this in privately.



Born 3 Feburuary 1999. Founder of 5ch anonymous message board about longevity (1 January 2012) / Founder and chief administrator, the oldest people research forum in Japan founded in 1 January 2017. Link: 長寿者研究フォーラム (

diego and FEW reacted
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 113

@Record_116 I have edited your post to remove from it the extremely insensitive content. Suggesting that the spoiling of a view is worse than the school shootings and discriminatory attacks that have happened in that period is deeply offensive. Please think before you post.

Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 417

Posted by: @ell

@Record_116 I have edited your post to remove from it the extremely insensitive content. Suggesting that the spoiling of a view is worse than the school shootings and discriminatory attacks that have happened in that period is deeply offensive. Please think before you post.

alright, I thought people know my intentions but I have lack of the words. I should say "saddest thing about USA skyscrapers since〜".


Born 3 Feburuary 1999. Founder of 5ch anonymous message board about longevity (1 January 2012) / Founder and chief administrator, the oldest people research forum in Japan founded in 1 January 2017. Link: 長寿者研究フォーラム (

Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 113

Posted by: @record_116

Posted by: @ell

@Record_116 I have edited your post to remove from it the extremely insensitive content. Suggesting that the spoiling of a view is worse than the school shootings and discriminatory attacks that have happened in that period is deeply offensive. Please think before you post.

alright, I thought people know my intentions but I have lack of the words. I should say "saddest thing about USA skyscrapers since〜".


And that's fine - I am sure this was just a misunderstanding, but the statement could not be allowed to stand.


diego reacted
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