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Supercentenarians Confirmed Alive in 2024

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This same thread has been created on the 110 Club the last few years. Post any confirmations of SCs being alive in the New Year or shortly before that you can find; if you are in contact with a relative and they confirm them to be alive, mention it here. If there are any photos, post them here

SCs confirmed alive in January 2024:

- Maria Branyas Morera confirmed alive on 1/1 in a Twitter/X post

Edie Ceccarelli confirmed alive on 14/1 with advertisement for upcoming birthday parade

- Mine Kondō, Aichi Prefecture's oldest person, confirmed alive on 9/1 in one of her nursing home's blog posts

Rose Girone of New York, the oldest living Holocaust survivor, confirmed alive by her granddaughter on gerontology wiki on 11/1

Ai Shinohara of Tokyo Prefecture was visited by LongeviQuest shortly after her 111th birthday on 4/1

Hazel Schultz of Idaho, USA, confirmed alive on 7/1 in Facebook post

Hanako Ishii of Chiba Prefecture was visited by LongeviQuest on 9/1

Vita Italia Di Liberto of Italy confirmed alive on 7/1 in Facebook post

- Ale76 has confirmed Italian doyen Michele Cicora (1/1), Anna Natella (2/1), Anna La Morgia (2/1), Maria Novara (2/1), Ebe Tosi (2/1), Anna Maria Lippolis (2/1), Maria Carpatachi (2/1), Pierina Pensa (2/1), Mamie Tei (2/1), Vita Italia Di Liberto (5/1), Maria Perrando (5/1), Maria Mochi (8/1), Francesca Fioriglio (15/1), Leontina Ruberto (19/1), Lucia Laura Sangenito (22/1), and Vita Italia Di Liberto, to be alive

- Aquanaut_Chalk has confirmed 4th OLP Inah Canabarro Lucas (7/1), along with claimants Raimunda de Sousa Alabas (2/1), Carlos Julio Rincon Garzon (7/1), and Batuli Lamichhane (8/1), to be alive

- Dejan has confirmed Ilie Ciocan, the oldest person in Romania, to be alive on 24/1

- Several people who have celebrated their birthdays in 2024; French vice-doyenne Andree Bertoletto (1/1), Anita Mackey (1/1), Maria Liesse Callou Duarte (2/1), Mary Lois Burkett (2/1), Adela Harrison (2/1), Rhoda Binge (8/1), Tsuneji Oyama (9/1), Blanche Masson (9/1), Morrie Markoff (11/1), Hide Endo (13/1), Erna Brosig (15/1), Thelma Little (17/1), Grete Fastenrath (18/1), Marion Dawson (19/1) (along with Vita Italia Di Liberto, Maria Perrando, Maria Mochi, and Francesca Fioriglio, Leontina Ruberto, Ai Shinohara, and presumably Rose Girone and Hazel Schultz)

SCs confirmed alive shortly before the New Year:

- Juan Vicente Perez Mora was confirmed alive on New Year's Eve

- Charlotte Kretschmann confirmed alive on Christmas Day

- Yuki Nitta confirmed alive by Aquanaut_Chalk on 26 December 2023

- Linda Yale celebrated her birthday on 28 December (but article was published in the new year)

diego and Ale76 reacted
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Anna Boffilo Natella (ITA/USA, 111) alive as of 2 Jan.

Michele Cicora (ITA, 110) alive as of 1 Jan.

Vita Italia Di Liberto (ITA, 110) alive as of 5 Jan.

Maria Perrando (ITA, 110) alive as of 5 Jan.
Persone viventi più longeve in Italia – Supercentenari d'Italia (

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Anna La Morgia (ITA, 110) alive as of 2 Jan.

Maria Novara (ITA, 110) alive as of 2 Jan.

Ebe Tosi (ITA, 110) alive as of 2 Jan.

Anna Maria Lippolis (ITA, 110) alive as of 2 Jan.

Maria Carpatachi (ITA, 110) alive as of 2 Jan.

Pierina Pensa (ITA, 110) alive as of 2 Jan.

Mamie Tei (ITA, 110) alive as of 2 Jan.

Maria Mochi (ITA, 110) alive as of 8 Jan.
Persone viventi più longeve in Italia – Supercentenari d'Italia (

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Posted by: @ale76

Vita Italia Di Liberto (ITA, 110) alive as of 7 Jan.:


Is she the one who appears at 0:28?


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@mrcatlord yes, she is the lady who appears at 0:26 till 0:30.
Persone viventi più longeve in Italia – Supercentenari d'Italia (

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Francesca Fioriglio (ITA, 112) alive as of today:
Persone viventi più longeve in Italia – Supercentenari d'Italia (

MrCatlord reacted
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Laurina Sangenito (ITA, 113) alive and well as of 22nd January 2024. She ate a sorbet made with the snow that fell around her house (an old tradition from 100 years ago in her hill town).
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Ilie Ciocan (ROU, 110) confirmed alive as of 31 January 2024. He is now the oldest living World War II veteran in Europe since the death of 111-year-old André Ludwig on 7 January 2024 and the oldest living World War II veteran in the world since the death of 111-year-old Japanese Tsuneji Oyama on 30 January 2024.

Pictured on 23 December 2023:

He is currently the oldest known living person in Romania and the Balkans, as well as the oldest living world war II veteran in the world and the third-oldest known living man in Europe, behind two British John Tinniswood and John Farringdon.

This post was modified 6 months ago by Dejan

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Anna Boffilo Natella (ITA/USA, 111) alive as of 29 Jan.
Persone viventi più longeve in Italia – Supercentenari d'Italia (

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Personally, I don't like "Supercentenarians Confirmed Alive in year XXXX" series because it feels like endless.


Born 3 Feburuary 1999. Founder of 5ch anonymous message board about longevity (1 January 2012) / Founder and chief administrator, the oldest people research forum in Japan founded in 1 January 2017. Link: 長寿者研究フォーラム (

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Posted by: @record_116

Personally, I don't like "Supercentenarians Confirmed Alive in year XXXX" series because it feels like endless.


Well, it generally seems to be only a beginning-of-year thing. Unfortunately this year there haven't been as many SCs confirmed alive as last year


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Claudia Baccarini (ITA, 113) and Ida Ortolani (USA/ITA, 111) alive and well as of 3 Feb. 2024.
Persone viventi più longeve in Italia – Supercentenari d'Italia (

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Santos Cruz Flores confirmed alive by his grandson yesterday 18 February 2024. He is still able to walk

|Male| 🎮Gamer🎮 > 👕Fashion Lover👕 > 🕶Chore Motivator🕶
Favorite Male SC: Juan Vicente Pérez Mora
Favorite Female SCs: Lucile Randon & Kane Tanaka
😁And the kind of guy that's always down to chat😁

diego and MrCatlord reacted
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I'm not going to update the top message anymore (I haven't updated it since January) because so many people have been confirmed alive (mostly by birthdays), but please still use this thread for posting any alive confirmations of SCs if they can't go in another thread (i.e. if it is a birthday or if they have their own thread, post it there)

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Maria Carmela Ricci (ITA, almost 112) alive and well as of 21 Feb. 2024.

All italian SCs alive as of, at least, 1 Feb. 2024.
Persone viventi più longeve in Italia – Supercentenari d'Italia (

diego, MrCatlord and ChrisR reacted
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Ida Ortolani (USA/ITA, 111.5) alive as of 1 Mar. 2024.
Persone viventi più longeve in Italia – Supercentenari d'Italia (

ChrisR reacted
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The Doyenne of Germany alive and well as of 1 hour ago (1 March 2024):
Persone viventi più longeve in Italia – Supercentenari d'Italia (

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Michele Cicora (Doyen of ITA, 110.5) confirmed alive as of today 15 March 2024.
Persone viventi più longeve in Italia – Supercentenari d'Italia (

diego and ChrisR reacted
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Claudia Baccarini, Doyenne of Italy (113.5), alive as of 27th March 2024.
Persone viventi più longeve in Italia – Supercentenari d'Italia (

MrCatlord, AQ and ChrisR reacted
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Posted by: @ale76

Claudia Baccarini, Doyenne of Italy (113.5), alive as of 27th March 2024.

Does she know she's in the Italian top ten now?


diego and Ale76 reacted
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Vitantonio Lovallo (Doyen of ITA, 110) confirmed alive as of today 5 April 2024.
Persone viventi più longeve in Italia – Supercentenari d'Italia (

AQ reacted
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@coyote77 Message moved

|Male| 🎮Gamer🎮 > 👕Fashion Lover👕 > 🕶Chore Motivator🕶
Favorite Male SC: Juan Vicente Pérez Mora
Favorite Female SCs: Lucile Randon & Kane Tanaka
😁And the kind of guy that's always down to chat😁

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@aquanaut seems the title should be changed to “supercentenarian claims” I guess.

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Maria Carmela Ricci (5a OLP in ITA, 112) confirmed in good shape (by family) as of today 16 April 2024.
Ms. Ricci is still able to walk around the centre of her city (with one of her daughters) once a week, we got a picture of her but family denied permission to spread it.
Ms. Ricci had 6 daughters (5 alive, aged between 73 and 86; the oldest one, who was born in 1935, sadly passed away decades ago).
Persone viventi più longeve in Italia – Supercentenari d'Italia (

MrCatlord and Filipe93 reacted
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Maria Paschoalina de Castro (BRA, 112) was confirmed alive on 5 April 2024, her claimed 113th birthday, a few weeks before her real birthday

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The Anonymous woman from Brazil born on 21 June 1911 was confirmed alive on 28 March 2024, aged 112. 

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diego and MrCatlord reacted
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Lucia Laura Sangenito (ITA, 113.5) alive as of 6 May 2024.

All other italian SCs alive as of, at least, 10 Apr. 2024.
Persone viventi più longeve in Italia – Supercentenari d'Italia (

diego and MrCatlord reacted
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Ida Ortolani (USA/ITA, 111.6) alive as of 23 May 2024.
Persone viventi più longeve in Italia – Supercentenari d'Italia (

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